Bespoke Corporate Programs
The workshops and coaching are designed in collaboration with you to suit your organisation’s needs with an interactive, practical and dynamic approach based on Positive Psychology and the Science of Wellbeing. The focus is on innovative leadership to enhance the level of achievement and success within individuals and ultimately your company, using the principles of Authentic Leadership. Authentic Leaders promote self-awareness, self-regulation, psychological capital (hope efficacy, resilience and optimism) and agency (getting it done no matter what). They exhibit high levels of GRIT, social intelligence and transparency.
Workshop topics will vary depending on the needs or your organisation but may include: bouncing back with resilience, building a growth and infinite mindset, attaining more productivity from your team, challenging responses to bullying and harassment, strengthening psychological capital and social intelligence, managing stress more effectively, leading yourself and others with Authenticity.
The power for authentic leadership is found not in external arrangements, but in the human heart.
Aims of the Program
Enhance Authentic Leadership capacity:
Grow and develop skills with individuals, teams and organisations. We first need to lead ourselves before we can lead others. -
Recognise and build on innate strengths:
Your innate strengths are not about what we do but who we are. These are the qualities that come naturally to you and when utilised purposeful, assist you to thrive and flourish. -
Build solid foundations:
Authentic Leadership requires fundamental knowledge and understanding of the foundations of being Authentic. When we understand the approach of self-awareness, self-regulation, psychological capital and agency, we have powerful tools in our toolbox to lead. -
Enrich current Authentic Leadership skills:
To identify what makes us a leader, how to practice mastery of these skills and capabilities in an Authentic way.
Expected Outcomes
- Enhanced levels of innovation
- Enriched knowledge in specific areas
- A positive/optimistic mindset shift
- Planned actions to implement specific strategies
- Increased productivity
- Increased recognition as effective leaders in the field
- Increased opportunities to secure funding
- Stronger alignment of individuals to the organisation’s vision
- An Authentic resilient team and organisation
What People are Saying